About Us

About Us

PE-CGS is comprised of five Research Centers and one Coordinating Center. Learn more about each of these initiatives.

The Participant Engagement and Cancer Genome Sequencing (PE-CGS) Network is part of the Cancer Moonshot Initiative that is intended to accelerate cancer research. Specifically, this network falls under a scientific priority designated by the Blue Ribbon Panel as Recommendation A: Establish a Network for Direct Patient Engagement. The PE-CGS Network will function as a collaborative network to address common issues, share best practices and lessons learned, and utilize common methods where appropriate.

The PE-CGS Network is supported by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) through cooperative agreements. List of NCI scientific contacts.

PECGS Timeline


  • We will identify and develop the best practices possible to engage and communicate with patients and communities.
  • Patients and communities will be empowered and respected participants that benefit from our research.
  • Our research will fill gaps in the molecular profiles of cancers, particularly rare cancers and those that are highly lethal.
  • Our collaborative and innovative methods will accelerate scientific discoveries that work towards eliminating cancer.
  • We will provide insights into how to develop and sustain large networks for direct participant engagement in cancer research.
  • Our work will be a valuable resource to the scientific community for years to come.


  • Promote direct engagement of cancer patients and post-treatment cancer survivors as participants in cancer research
  • Support rigorous cancer genome sequencing programs addressing important knowledge gaps in the genomic characterizations of tumors in areas such as, but not limited to:
    • Rare cancers or rare cancer subsets
    • Highly lethal cancers
    • Cancers with an early age of onset
    • Cancers with significant differences in incidence and/or mortality across populations
    • Cancers in populations where research is still emerging

Shared Values

PECGS Shared Values
PECGS Shared Values - Spanish Translation



Network Structure

The PE-CGS Network is governed by a Steering Committee composed of representatives from each of the five Research Centers, the Coordinating Center, and NCI. An External Advisory Panel provides input on scientific direction, evaluates the progress of the network, and offers recommendations for improvement. Three subcommittees convene under the supervision of the Steering Committee to address topics that have pertinence to and impact across the Network. Each research center contains three functional components that are designed to promote multi-center, trans-disciplinary research that is responsive to the needs to participants and their communities. Learn more about the PE-CGS Network structure.

Network Directory

The PE-CGS Network is composed of institutes from across the country, each working with a wide array of populations and cancer types. Members of the Network have extensive knowledge and experience in the field of cancer genomics, patient preferences, cancer, and more. The directory is organized by Research Center and the names are listed alphabetically by first name. See the PE-CGS Network directory here.